
Liners and Lids

Liners are responsible for preventing product leakages by creating a seal underneath the lid. Your product's shelf life and efficacy can be extended when using the right liners and lids for your cosmetic packaging. Jarsking has a rich selection of lines and lids on top of our robust customization services on cosmetic packaging.

Versatile Liners and Lids Supplier

The right liners and lids are essential to preserving your products by creating a seal within the packaging to prevent leakages. Specific liners are required to seal in certain products, such as pressure-sensitive liners for dry cosmetics. Jarsking has a wide range of liners and lids for specific cosmetic packaging, allowing you to accomplish your business goals with minimum time, money and effort.


As a leading cosmetic packaging supplier, Jarsking’s comprehensive OEM/ODM solutions include different accessories and closures. You can create your unique cosmetic packaging that will create an impact in your target market through our rich customization options and experienced designers.

Liners and Lids